High-Power Device Measurement Service Laboratory 高功率元件量測服務實驗室

Key Features of Laboratory Measurement Services

High-Voltage and High-Current Testing

Capability to test devices under high voltage and high current conditions

Advanced Measurement Equipment

Equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation for precise voltage, current, power and thermal measurements

Thermal Management Systems

Integrated heating and cooling systems for managing heat generation and dissipation during high-power device testing

Manual and Semi-automated Testing Platforms

Handling repetitive tests, ensuring accuracy, efficiency and reduced human error

Customizable Testing Environments

Ability to simulate various environmental conditions such as high temperature or vacuum for stress testing

ESD and EMI Protection

Systems to protect devices and equipment from electrostatic discharge (ESD) and electromagnetic interference (EMI)

Safety Protocols

Robust safety measures and shielding to ensure the safety of operators during high-power testing

Data Acquisition and Reporting

High-speed data logging systems to capture and analyze performance data in real-time, detailed reporting capabilities

Professional engineers assist with measurements

Professional engineers provide measurement assistance, ensuring correct procedures are followed and sample confidentiality is fully protected

Advanced Equipments / Available Measurement Capabilities

Power Device Analyzer / Curve Tracer

Manual Probe Station - 4inch

Semi-automatic Probe Station - 8inch


  Key Specifications and Operation Range
  Current/Voltage Measurement Specifications
(Gate/base stepgenerator specification / Drain/collector supplyspecification)

APOLLOWAVE α100 Manual Probe Station - 4inch

 Key Features


- 4 inch Manual Probe System with for accurate and reliable IV/CV, RF and measurements

- A compact prober which corresponds to the wafer size up to 4 inch

- User-friendly design



- With XY coarse movement and fine adjustment using micrometer that can be quickly positioned by airbearing design, reliable alignment is possible

- Z movement of the platen has coarse movement that can be operated with a lever, and fine movementthat can be adjusted with micrometer 

- Trinocular microscope

- Zoom micro CCD camera



- Low level IV(fA) 

- Low level CV(fF) 

- RF measurement 

- Various resistance measurements such as sheetresistance 

- Temperature characteristic test

SJD AKS-200 Semi-automatic Probe Station - 8inch

Key Features


- Precision 4 axis wafer stage for 200mm wafers

- Accommodate the high power measurement 3kV and 200A

- Offers precise control over the positioning of probe sets, enabling accuratemeasurements and testing of semiconductor devices

- Advanced software integration and intuitive user interface can easily navigate through functions and settings



- Equipped with integrated controller, microscope, computer and dual monitor

- Broad magnification range and Zoom 0.7~4.5X and 2 megapixel full color CCD camera with autofocus

- Two safety interlock system devices ensure operator safety during measurement

- Leveraging the GPIB interface for instrument communication and testing automation



- Able to complete accurate Rds (on) measurement at high current

- Used for IV/CV/RF measurement and accommodate the pulse IV measurement system

- Accommodates various types of semiconductor devices, including ICs, MEMS devices and more


If you have devices that need measurement and are interested in the measurement services our laboratory offers, please feel free to contact us to schedule a service. We will get back to you promptly with an evaluation and quotation.

AKD-100 Dynamic Power Device Analyzer - Double Pulsed Tester

AKD-1000 Dynamic Power Device Analyzer is a versatile and dependable tool, capable of accurately assessing a device's response to varying loads operation. Its innovative design and robust capabilities enable the precise and repeatable testing necessary to drive innovation and ensure the quality and dependability of power semiconductor devices. The dynamic measurement service of AKD-1000 will be launched soon. If you are interested, please contact us for more information.